A Little About Me

Born and raised in Richmond, BC to a hard-working mother and father. Both my mum and dad spent several years in the hospitality industry, and once I arrived, it wasn’t long before my dad jumped into real estate.

Early bird gets the worm, and my dad and I were no exception. While my mum and sister have always loved late morning sleep-ins, my dad and I enjoyed many early mornings together. We’d grab a coffee (well…hot chocolate for me) from the corner store at Number 4 Road and Williams, and would drive around on crisp, sunny mornings, looking at houses. These are some of my fondest memories.

When I get the chance and am not selling real estate, I love all things sports (when we aren’t in the middle of a pandemic of course), cooking, eating, walking my dogs, and fly fishing.

Everybody has a story and I believe that sometimes to succeed in helping others, all it takes is a friendly hello and a genuine interest in listening to what others have to say.

Whatever your real estate needs are, I am here to listen, draw on my life experience in our community, and help you achieve your real estate goals. I look forward to working with you.

Kindest Regards,
